
J environ monit impact factor
J environ monit impact factor

The Eating Disorders Inventory-3, TAS-20 for alexithymia and CDI for depressive symptoms’ profiles are similar, while males showed higher scores at the global indexes of Symptom Checklist 90-Revised test in early adolescence. (3) Results: Males were younger than females, with similar medical and clinical conditions, but a different distribution of typology of EDs in middle childhood and middle adolescents. (2) Methods: The present study aims to evaluate clinical and psychopathological features in a sample of 287 children and adolescents, 27 males and 260 females with EDs, in order to identify similarities and differences. This perception resulted in the systematic underrepresentation of males in research on Eds, and as consequence, in a scarcity of research investigating clinical and psychological features in this population. Historically, EDs are among the most gendered of psychiatric illnesses, and male presentations have been perceived as rare and unusual. (1) Background: Eating Disorders (EDs) are severe psychiatric disorders with high rates of mortality, multiple medical and psychiatric comorbidities associated, and often chronic illness.

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  • It covers Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Public Health, Environmental Health, Occupational Hygiene, Health Economic and Global Health Research, etc. The International Society Doctors for the Environment (ISDE) and Italian Society of Environmental Medicine (SIMA) are affiliated with IJERPH and their members receive a discount on the article processing charges. Is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal published semimonthly online by MDPI. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

    J environ monit impact factor